Shefield Montessori School is a private institution of excellence that offers each child personalized attention in a loving and nurturing environment. Students learn through a variety of methods and creative activities.
0-2 years
3-5 years
5 years
6-10 years
0-10 years
Students are exposed to real-life experiences to help solve challenges
Students learn their religious views and how to apply their religious principles to solve their problems.
We offer STEM courses in the area of Science, Technology and Mathematics
Students learn by way of infused blended learning. Classes are in-person and online
Our teacher student ratio is 1:6
Shefield Montessori School is a private institution of excellence that offers each child personalized attention in a loving and nurturing environment. Students learn through a variety of methods and creative activities.
© Shefieldschool 2023 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED